Stokes Equations


Stokes Equations#


class pystopt.stokes.StokesInterface(ambient_dim: int)[source]#

Generic interface for solutions and representations of Stokes flow.

ambient_dim: int#

Dimension of the ambient space.

__init__(ambient_dim: int) None#

The various functionality associated with the StokesInterface is implemented through a singledispatch() setup. Basically all interested parties can implement a subset of the following functions by registering it, e.g. using

def _velocity_interface(self: MyType, *args, **kwargs):
    # compute some symbolic or explicit value related to the velocity
    return u

All the classes in this section implement a subset of this interface with different input arguments.

pystopt.stokes.streamfunction(self: StokesInterface, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
pystopt.stokes.velocity(self: StokesInterface, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
pystopt.stokes.pressure(self: StokesInterface, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
pystopt.stokes.traction(self: StokesInterface, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

The traction is the normal component of the stress tensor, i.e. \(\mathbf{n} \cdot \sigma \triangleq n_i \sigma_{ij}\).

pystopt.stokes.tangent_traction(self: StokesInterface, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

This is the tangential component of the stress tensor, i.e. \(\mathbf{t}^\alpha \cdot \sigma \triangleq t_i^\alpha \sigma_{ij}\), where \(\alpha \in \{1, \dots, d - 1\}\) is a basis for the tangent space.

pystopt.stokes.normal_velocity_gradient(self: StokesInterface, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

This is the normal component of the velocity gradient, i.e. \(\mathbf{n} \cdot \nabla \mathbf{u} \triangleq n_i \nabla_i u_j\).

pystopt.stokes.tangent_velocity_gradient(self: StokesInterface, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

This is the tangential component of the velocity gradient, i.e. \(\mathbf{t}^\alpha \cdot \nabla \mathbf{u} \triangleq t_i^\alpha \nabla_i u_j\).

pystopt.stokes.normal_velocity_laplacian(self: StokesInterface, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

This is the normal component of the velocity Laplacian, i.e. \(\mathbf{n} \cdot \Delta \mathbf{u} \triangleq n_j \nabla_i \nabla_i u_j\).

pystopt.stokes.normal_velocity_hessian(self: StokesInterface, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

This is the normal component of the velocity Hessian, i.e. \(\mathbf{n} \cdot \nabla \nabla \mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{n} \triangleq n_i n_k \nabla_i \nabla_k u_j\).

pystopt.stokes.deltaf(self: StokesInterface, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

This is the jump in traction at the interface. In non-dimensional variables, for a viscosity ratio \(\lambda\), it is

\[[[\mathbf{n} \cdot \sigma]] = \mathbf{n} \cdot \sigma_+ - \lambda \mathbf{n} \cdot \sigma_+.\]
pystopt.stokes.deltau(self: StokesInterface, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

This is the jump in velocity at the interface. In all current applications, this is zero.

Layer Potential Kernels#

All of the classes in this section implement pystopt.stokes.StokesInterface with the arguments

def _wrapper_velocity(
        self: Wrapper, density, *, qbx_forced_limit=None):

and similar for the other variables. The only departure from this interface are pystopt.stokes.tangent_traction() and pystopt.stokes.tangent_velocity_gradient() which have

def _wrapper_traction(
        self: Wrapper, density, *, tangent_idx, qbx_forced_limit=None):

to specific which tangent vector in the basis to use. The tangent basis is obtained by pytential.symbolic.primitives.tangential_onb().

class pystopt.stokes.Stresslet(ambient_dim: int)[source]#

Wrapper for sumpy.kernel.StressletKernel and pytential.symbolic.stokes.StressletWrapper.

The wrapper handles the application of the Stresslet kernel \(T_{ijk}\), the associated pressure kernel \(\Pi_{ij}\) and associated stress kernel \(\Theta_{ijkl}\) to a given density. The notation and definitions can be found in [Pozrikidis1992].

class pystopt.stokes.Stokeslet(ambient_dim)[source]#

Wrapper for sumpy.kernel.StokesletKernel and pytential.symbolic.stokes.StokesletWrapper.

The wrapper handles the application of the Stokeslet kernel \(G_{ij}\), the associated pressure kernel \(P_{i}\) and associated stress kernel \(T_{ijk}\) to a given density. The notation and definitions can be found in [Pozrikidis1992].

class pystopt.stokes.StokesletJumpRelations(ambient_dim: int)[source]#

Jump relations for all the layer potential operators constructed in Stokeslet.

class pystopt.stokes.StokesKernel(ambient_dim: int, base_kernel: Any)[source]#

Bases: StokesInterface

class pystopt.stokes.StokesJumpRelations(ambient_dim: int)[source]#

Bases: StokesInterface

Generic Stokes jump relations.

Layer Potentials#

The TwoPhaseStokesRepresentation implements pystopt.stokes.StokesInterface with the following arguments

def _velocity_repr(self, density, *, side=None, qbx_forced_limit=None):

and similar for the other variables. It also implements the functionality for pystopt.operators.RepresentationInterface.

class pystopt.stokes.TwoPhaseStokesRepresentation(knl: StokesKernel, jmp: StokesJumpRelations, bc: TwoPhaseStokesBoundaryCondition, kernel_arguments: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]#

Bases: RepresentationInterface, StokesInterface

__init__(knl: StokesKernel, jmp: StokesJumpRelations, bc: TwoPhaseStokesBoundaryCondition, kernel_arguments: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) None[source]#
  • knl – a Stokes kernel-like Stokeslet.

  • jmp – jump relations for the kernels in knl.

  • bc – farfield boundary conditions.

class pystopt.stokes.TwoPhaseSingleLayerStokesRepresentation(bc: TwoPhaseStokesBoundaryCondition, kernel_arguments: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]#

Bases: TwoPhaseStokesRepresentation

Constructs a complete representation (layer potentials and jumps) for a single-layer (Stokeslet) representation of the velocity

\[u_i(\mathbf{x}) = \int_\Sigma G_{ij}(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}) q_j(\mathbf{y}) \,\mathrm{d}S.\]

and all the variables described by Stokeslet. The construction largely corresponds to Section 5.3 from [Pozrikidis1992].


The StokesSolution class implements pystopt.stokes.StokesInterface functions with the arguments

def _solution_velocity(self: StokesSolution, *,
        side=None, qbx_forced_limit=None, dofdesc=None):

and similar for the other variables.

class pystopt.stokes.StokesSolution(actx: ArrayContext, source: pytential.symbolic.primitives.DOFDescriptor, places: pytential.GeometryCollection, density: ndarray, op: TwoPhaseStokesRepresentation, context: Dict[str, Any], density_name: str = 'q')[source]#

Bases: object

Represents the result of solving a Stokes layer potential, e.g. by single_layer_solve().


Solved density for the operator op.

class pystopt.stokes.TwoPhaseSingleLayerStokesSolver(sym_op: TwoPhaseStokesRepresentation, *, viscosity_ratio, context=None, gmres_arguments=None)[source]#

Simple wrapper around single_layer_solve().

__init__(sym_op: TwoPhaseStokesRepresentation, *, viscosity_ratio, context=None, gmres_arguments=None)[source]#
__call__(actx, places, *, source=None)[source]#

Solve the Stokes integral equation on the given source.


a StokesSolution.

pystopt.stokes.single_layer_solve(actx, places, op, *, lambdas, sources=None, context=None, gmres_arguments=None)[source]#

Solves a two-phase Stokes problem.

  • places – a GeometryCollection or any input that can be passed to its constructor.

  • op – a TwoPhaseStokesRepresentation instance that describes the integral equation.

  • sources – a list of identifiers in places on which to solve.

  • lambdas – a list of viscosity ratios for each source domain.


a StokesSolution.

Boundary Conditions#

All subclasses of TwoPhaseStokesBoundaryCondition implement pystopt.stokes.StokesInterface with the arguments

def _bc_velocity(self: TwoPhaseStokesBoundaryCondition):

and similar for the remamining variables.

class pystopt.stokes.TractionJumpCondition(ambient_dim: int)[source]#

Symbolic expression of the jump condition.

class pystopt.stokes.YoungLaplaceJumpCondition(ambient_dim: int, capillary_number_name: str = 'ca')[source]#

Bases: TractionJumpCondition

Constant surface tension jump condition. It is given by

\[[\![ \mathbf{f} ]\!] = \frac{1}{\mathrm{Ca}} \kappa \mathbf{n}.\]

Name of the symbolic variable representing the Capillary number.


A Variable.

__init__(ambient_dim: int, capillary_number_name: str = 'ca') None#
class pystopt.stokes.VariableYoungLaplaceJumpCondition(ambient_dim: int, capillary_number_name: str = 'ca', surface_tension_name: str = 'gamma')[source]#

Bases: YoungLaplaceJumpCondition

Variable surface tension jump condition. It is given by

\[[\![ \mathbf{f} ]\!] = \frac{1}{\mathrm{Ca}} (\gamma \kappa \mathbf{n} + \nabla_\Sigma \gamma),\]

where \(\nabla_\Sigma\) is the tangential gradient on the surface \(\Sigma\).


Name of the symbolic variable representing the surface tension coefficient.


A Variable.

__init__(ambient_dim: int, capillary_number_name: str = 'ca', surface_tension_name: str = 'gamma') None#
class pystopt.stokes.GravityJumpCondition(ambient_dim: int, direction: int, bond_number_name: str = 'bo')[source]#

Bases: TractionJumpCondition

Gravity-based jump condition. It is given by

\[[\![ \mathbf{f} ]\!] = \frac{1}{\mathrm{Bo}} x_d \mathbf{n}.\]

Integer indicating the axis direction in which gravity actx.


Name of the symbolic variable representing the Bond number.


A Variable.

__init__(ambient_dim: int, direction: int, bond_number_name: str = 'bo') None#
class pystopt.stokes.TwoPhaseStokesBoundaryCondition(ambient_dim: int, deltafs: Tuple[TractionJumpCondition, ...])[source]#

Bases: object

Boundary conditions for a generic two-phase Stokes flow.


A tuple of TractionJumpCondition that are summed together to obtain the full jump condition.

__init__(ambient_dim: int, deltafs: Tuple[TractionJumpCondition, ...]) None#
class pystopt.stokes.CapillaryBoundaryCondition(ambient_dim: int, deltafs: Tuple[TractionJumpCondition, ...])[source]#

Bases: TwoPhaseStokesBoundaryCondition

Boundary conditions for a two-phase Stokes flow in the presence of constant surface tension at the interface.


Symbolic variable representing the Capillary number.

class pystopt.stokes.FarfieldCapillaryBoundaryCondition(ambient_dim: int, deltafs: Tuple[TractionJumpCondition, ...], uinf: ndarray, pinf: pytential.symbolic.primitives.var, finf: ndarray, tinf: ndarray, dudninf: ndarray, dudtinf: ndarray, ddudninf: pytential.symbolic.primitives.var, dduinf: pytential.symbolic.primitives.var)[source]#

Bases: CapillaryBoundaryCondition

Farfield boundary conditions for constant surface tension Stokes flow.

pystopt.stokes.get_farfield_boundary_from_name(ambient_dim: int, name: str, **kwargs: Any) FarfieldCapillaryBoundaryCondition[source]#
pystopt.stokes.get_extensional_farfield(ambient_dim: int, *, alpha: float = 0.5, pinf: float = 0.0, axis: int = 2, capillary_number_name: str = 'ca') FarfieldCapillaryBoundaryCondition[source]#

Extensional farfield flow with constant surface tension

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{u}_\infty = \begin{cases} (\alpha x, -\alpha y), & \quad d = 2, \\ (\alpha x, \alpha y, -2 \alpha z), & \quad d = 3, \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where the location of the \(-2 \alpha\) can be controlled by the axis argument. Setting axis to \(-1\) extends the 2D case to 3D by padding with zero.

  • alpha – strain rate.

  • pinf – constant farfield pressure.

  • axis – can define the plane in which the extensional flow acts for a three-dimensional flow, but is ignored in two dimensions.


a FarfieldCapillaryBoundaryCondition.

pystopt.stokes.get_uniform_farfield(ambient_dim: int, *, uinf: float | ndarray = 1.0, pinf: float = 0.0, capillary_number_name: str = 'ca') FarfieldCapillaryBoundaryCondition[source]#

Uniform farfield flow with constant surface tension.

\[\mathbf{u}^\infty = (U, V, W)\]
  • uinf – an ndarray of size ambient_dim or a single number, in which case the velocity field is set to be \((U_\infty, 0, 0)\).

  • pinf – constant farfield pressure.


a FarfieldCapillaryBoundaryCondition.

pystopt.stokes.get_bezier_uniform_farfield(ambient_dim: int, points_or_order: int | Tuple[ndarray, ...], *, tmax: float | pytential.symbolic.primitives.var, pinf: float = 0.0, tau: str | pytential.symbolic.primitives.var = 'tau', capillary_number_name: str = 'ca') FarfieldCapillaryBoundaryCondition[source]#

Time-dependent uniform farfield flow with constant surface tension.

The control points in ps define a curve

\[\mathbf{p}(\tau) = \sum \mathbf{p}_i \phi_i(\tau),\]

where \(\phi_i(\tau)\), for the normalized time variable \(\tau \in [0, 1]\), are the Bézier curve basis functions for the respective order. The velocity field is then given by

\[\mathbf{u}^\infty(\tau) = \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathbf{p}}{\mathrm{d} \tau}.\]
  • points_or_order – a set of control points used to form the Bézier curve. The number of points also defines the order of the curve. If this is a single integer, the points are defined symbolically and named "p{i}".

  • pinf – constant farfield pressure.

  • tau – variable name for the parametrization of the Bézier curve. This is expected to be normalized to \([0, 1]\) by the user when the expression is eventually evaluated.


a FarfieldCapillaryBoundaryCondition.

pystopt.stokes.get_shear_farfield(ambient_dim: int, *, alpha: float = 1.0, pinf: float = 0.0, capillary_number_name: str = 'ca') FarfieldCapillaryBoundaryCondition[source]#

Shear farfield flow with constant surface tension.

\[\mathbf{u}^\infty = (\alpha y, 0, 0)\]

alpha – shear strength.

pystopt.stokes.get_solid_body_rotation_farfield(ambient_dim: int, *, omega: float | ndarray = 1.0, pinf: float = 0.0, capillary_number_name: str = 'ca') FarfieldCapillaryBoundaryCondition[source]#

Solid body rotation flow with constant surface tension.

\[\mathbf{u}^\infty = \mathbf{\omega} \times \mathbf{x},\]

where \(\mathbf{omega}\) is the axis of the solid body rotation. If a scalar is given, the axis is set to \((0, 0, \omega)\). For the 2D case, we omega can only be a scalar and the rotation is always in the \(x-y\) plane.


omega – magnitude or axis of rotation.

pystopt.stokes.get_helical_farfield(ambient_dim: int, *, tmax: float | pytential.symbolic.primitives.var, height: float | pytential.symbolic.primitives.var = 1.0, omega: float | pytential.symbolic.primitives.var = 6.283185307179586, pinf: float | pytential.symbolic.primitives.var = 0.0, capillary_number_name: str = 'ca') FarfieldCapillaryBoundaryCondition[source]#

Analytical Solutions#

All subclasses of AnalyticStokesSolution implement pystopt.stokes.StokesInterface with the arguments

def _velocity_solution(self: AnalyticStokesSolution, side: int):

and similar for the remamining variables. In the case of the jumps, the side can be omitted for obvious reasons.

class pystopt.stokes.SympySolution(pressure: Expr, velocity: ndarray, traction: ndarray, normal_velocity_gradient: ndarray, tangent_traction: ndarray, tangent_velocity_gradient: ndarray, normal_velocity_laplacian: Expr, normal_velocity_hessian: Expr, streamfunction: Expr = None)[source]#
__init__(pressure: Expr, velocity: ndarray, traction: ndarray, normal_velocity_gradient: ndarray, tangent_traction: ndarray, tangent_velocity_gradient: ndarray, normal_velocity_laplacian: Expr, normal_velocity_hessian: Expr, streamfunction: Expr = None) None#
class pystopt.stokes.AnalyticStokesSolution(ambient_dim: int, *, viscosity_ratio_name: str = 'viscosity_ratio', capillary_number_name: str = 'ca')[source]#

Bases: StokesInterface

Analytical solution to a two-phase Stokes flow.

viscosity_ratio_name: str#

A name for the viscosity ratio symbolic variable.

capillary_number_name: str#

A name for the capillary number symbolic variable.

property farfield: TwoPhaseStokesBoundaryCondition#

The farfield boundary conditions for this solution.

property as_sympy: PymbolicToSympyMapper#

A mapper used to translate an expression to sympy.

__getitem__(side: int) SympySolution[source]#

side – interior (-1) or exterior (+1) solution.


a SympySolution with the solution on the respective side.

class pystopt.stokes.SphericalStokesSolution(*, radius=1.0, viscosity_ratio_name='viscosity_ratio', capillary_number_name='ca')[source]#

Bases: AnalyticStokesSolution

Two-phase Stokes solutions on a sphere.

property normal: ndarray#

Exterior normal vector on the sphere:

\[\mathbf{n} = \frac{\mathbf{x}}{R}.\]
property summed_curvature: float#

Summed curvature of the sphere (sum of principal curvatures)

\[\kappa = \frac{d - 1}{R}.\]
class pystopt.stokes.PolarStokesSolution(*, radius: float = 1.0, uinf: float = 1.0, pinf: float = 0.0, alpha: float | None = None, viscosity_ratio_name: str = 'viscosity_ratio', capillary_number_name: str = 'ca')[source]#

Bases: AnalyticStokesSolution

Two-phase Stokes solutions on a circle.

radius: float#

Radius of the circle representing the droplet interface.

uinf: float#

Farfield velocity field.

pinf: float#

Farfield pressure value.

alpha: float#

Additional parameter used to determine a unique solution. A special value of this parameter leads to a steady state solution.

property normal: ndarray#

Exterior normal vector on the circle.

property tangent: ndarray#

Tangent vector on the circle (counterclockwise).

property curvature: float#

Curvature of the circle (constant based on the radius).

class pystopt.stokes.HadamardRybczynski(*, radius=1.0, alpha=None, uinf=1.0, pinf=0.0, capillary_number_name='ca', viscosity_ratio_name='viscosity_ratio')[source]#

Bases: SphericalStokesSolution

Hadamard-Rybczynski solution.

The Hadamard-Rybczynski solution is an axisymmetric solution in a uniform farfield flow. It allows stream function solutions of the form

\[\psi_\pm = \left( \frac{A_\pm}{r} + B_\pm r + C_\pm r^2 + D_\pm r^4 \right) \sin^2 \theta,\]

where the constants are determined (as a one-parameter family) by the boundary conditions

  • mass conservation at the interface \([\![ \mathbf{u} ]\!] = 0\).

  • jump in normal traction at the interface \([\![ \mathbf{f} \cdot \mathbf{n} ]\!] = \kappa / \mathrm{Ca}\).

  • jump in tangential traction at the interface \([\![ \mathbf{f} \cdot \mathbf{t} ]\!] = 0\).

  • finite solutions at the origin and at infinity.

For details, see Equation 3-7 in [Clift1978] and the surrounding discussion.

__init__(*, radius=1.0, alpha=None, uinf=1.0, pinf=0.0, capillary_number_name='ca', viscosity_ratio_name='viscosity_ratio')[source]#
  • alpha – parameter for the solution. If None, the classic solution from [Clift1978] is computed.

  • uinf – magnitude of the \(x\) component of farfield velocity field.

  • pinf – farfield pressure field.

class pystopt.stokes.Taylor(*, radius=1.0, alpha=1.0, pinf=0.0, capillary_number_name='ca', viscosity_ratio_name='viscosity_ratio')[source]#

Bases: SphericalStokesSolution

Taylor solution.

This is a fully three-dimensional solution in an extensional flow. For details see [Taylor1932].

__init__(*, radius=1.0, alpha=1.0, pinf=0.0, capillary_number_name='ca', viscosity_ratio_name='viscosity_ratio')[source]#
  • alpha – shear strength.

  • pinf – farfield pressure field.

Adjoint Boundary Conditions#

pystopt.stokes.make_static_adjoint_boundary_conditions(ambient_dim: int, cost: ShapeFunctional) AdjointBoundaryCondition[source]#

Construct a AdjointBoundaryCondition based on the static jump conditions AdjointTractionJumpCondition.

pystopt.stokes.make_unsteady_adjoint_boundary_conditions(ambient_dim: int, cost: ShapeFunctional, *, xstar_name: str = 'xstar') AdjointBoundaryCondition[source]#

Construct a AdjointBoundaryCondition based on the quasi-static jump conditions UnsteadyAdjointTractionJumpCondition.

class pystopt.stokes.AdjointTractionJumpCondition(ambient_dim: int, cost: ShapeFunctional)[source]#

Bases: TractionJumpCondition

Defines adjoint boundary conditions for the static Stokes system.

In the static case, the jump conditions are entirely defined by the cost function. In particular, we have that

\[[\![ \mathbf{f}^* ]\!] = \nabla_{\mathbf{u}} J.\]
class pystopt.stokes.UnsteadyAdjointTractionJumpCondition(ambient_dim: int, cost: ShapeFunctional, xstar_name: str = 'xstar')[source]#

Bases: AdjointTractionJumpCondition

Defines adjoint boundary conditions for the quasi-static Stokes system.

In the quasi-static case, the jump conditions are defined by the cost function and the adjoint variable constraining the forward kinematic condition. We have that

\[[\![ \mathbf{f}^* ]\!] = x^* \mathbf{n} + \nabla_{\mathbf{u}} J,\]

under the assumptions that the forward kinematic condition is given by

\[\dot{\mathbf{x}} = (\mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{n}) \mathbf{n}.\]
class pystopt.stokes.AdjointBoundaryCondition(ambient_dim: int, deltafs: Tuple[TractionJumpCondition, ...])[source]#

Bases: TwoPhaseStokesBoundaryCondition

Adjoint boundary conditions for a static Stokes system.

Implements the interface of StokesInterface with the signature:

__init__(ambient_dim: int, deltafs: Tuple[TractionJumpCondition, ...]) None#